Providing a consistent supply of Koi, Butterfly Koi, and Goldfish to businesses across the US requires a great deal of work and facilities. This is an overview of the different Aquamade breeders we have partnered with to provide you with top-quality Koi, Butterfly Koi, and Goldfish.
Head of Hazorea Aquatic’s Koi facility, Erez Nir, sorts Koi.
Hazorea Aquatics
Headed by Erez Nir, Hazorea Aquatics’ 270,000-gallon indoor biosecure Koi facility focuses solely on high-quality standard fin Koi. With approximately 120 male and 280 female broodstock Koi, combined with a never-ending growing season, the Hazorea facility is able to provide Koi from 3-4” all the way up to 18-20” at any time of year.

MadanKoi’s indoor bio-secure facility.
With approximately 320,000 gallons in total water volume, MadanKoi is led by Zohar Ginosar. Focusing solely on high-quality standard fin Koi, Zohar and MadanKoi keep approximately 150 females and 70 males on hand for year-round spawning and hatching, with several hundred more Koi growing to broodstock size and waiting to replace or join the active broodstock when needed.

Koi and Butterfly Koi are hatched and grown through the first stages of life in Koi Kin’s indoor hatching tanks.
Koi Kin
Led by Nir Fradkin, Koi Kin’s primary focus is beautiful Butterfly Koi. In addition to amazing Butterfly Koi, Nir and Koi Kin also produce Koi, Pond Goldfish, and Fancy Goldfish in their 66,000-gallon facility. Nir keeps approximately 250 Butterfly Koi, 50 Koi, 600 Pond Goldfish, and 400 Fancy Goldfish in his active broodstock collection.
Colourfish, led by breeder Uri Gabay, operates a 1 million-gallon indoor facility. Focusing primarily on Fancy Goldfish, Colourfish produces many varieties of Fantail, Oranda, Moor, Wakin, Ryukin, Telescope Eye, Ranchu, Pearlscale, and Butterfly Tail. In addition to their broad selection of Fancy Goldfish, Colourfish also produces rare and hard-to-find Pond Goldfish varieties like Bristol Shubunkin and Blue Comet.