Your customers depend on you for high-quality, healthy fish. And you can depend on Blue Ridge.
We know that stocking strong, healthy, vibrant Koi, Butterfly Koi, and Goldfish is crucial to your business. Offer anything less, and you risk losing customers. That’s why we have partnered with Aquamade to bring you the safest and healthiest fish available.

Completely self-contained indoor facilities mean that fish only ever leave the system, no new fish enter.
Every single Koi and Butterfly Koi raised by Aquamade and imported and sold by Blue Ridge Koi comes from an indoor biosecure facility.
An indoor biosecure facility is a completely self-contained breeding and grow-out aquaculture system that is completely isolated from external pathogens or outside contaminants. Incredible amounts of biological and mechanical filtration are deployed to create an environment that is healthy and suitable for Koi and Butterfly Koi.
Indoor biosecure facilities provide an extremely high degree of control compared to the traditional outdoor mud pond model. Indoor biosecure fish are bred and mature in closely monitored and controlled facilities, and fish only leave the building once they are sold and shipped to Blue Ridge Koi. No new fish ever enter the indoor biosecure buildings. With no new fish entering the facility and human entrance strictly monitored and controlled, there is no opportunity for KHV or SVC to be brought into the building and introduced to the fish stock. As a result, breeders are able to produce prodigious amounts of very high-quality fish while eliminating any possibility of infection from deadly viruses.
Each indoor biosecure facility is routinely and systematically tested for the presence of KHV and SVC, and each facility is annually certified as KHV- and SVC-free by the federal government. Neither KHV nor SVC have ever been found in any indoor biosecure facilities operated by Aquamade. Some of Aquamade’s facilities have been in operation for more than 20 years with no viral infection at any point during their history.
While Aquamade’s indoor facilities are secure from the possibility of infection by deadly Koi viruses, the facilities are not sterile. The same bacteria and parasites that Koi and Butterfly Koi are likely to encounter in Blue Ridge’s tanks, your tanks, and customers’ ponds are also present in the indoor facilities. While the presence of these parasites and bacteria is controlled and not allowed to negatively affect the health of the fish, regular exposure to these life forms means that the fish leave the indoor facilities with a fully developed immune system ready to help the fish survive any challenges it may face in its life.
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