To kick the season off right, we have a rather unique and interesting creature for sale.
Technically not a real shark, the Hi Fin Banded Shark is a member of the Cyprinidae family. With a mature size of around 3 feet in length, Hi Fin Banded Sharks are voracious algae eaters. These sharks are winter hardy for most zones of the US, and can help to keep the sides of any pond clear of algae.

A full grown Hi Fin Banded Shark. As they grow, Hi Fins lose their stripe pattern, maturing into a solid brown fish.
Currently, we have 6 inch Hi Fin Banded Sharks for sale in any quantity. Sizes, prices and availability will vary throughout the year, contingent on what we are able to import. Check the Hi Fin Banded Shark page or our Pricelist and Availability for more details.
What types of fish to put in a pond?I live in southeast Wisconsin and retcleny put in a fairly large pond. Does anybody know what types of fish would be good to put in? Also, since i’m not a fisherman at all, where would I go about getting them?
Goldfish, koi, and hifin shark are all good. Gold fish are the hardiest and i know koi are pretty hardy too. They can survive as your pond doesn’t freeze solid so the fish will hibernate/stay under the ice.
Where are we able to receive Hi fin sharks in Washington? We have an algae issue and would like to get one for out pond. may be your best option for purchasing Hi Fin Banded Sharks this time of year. Thanks.
So I’m looking for a 6″ Hi Fin, I live in Charlottesville area VA. I am not a dealer, but it seems dumb to order one all the way from the West Coast. Who would you recommend I go through?
Sorry, I do not know of anyone you can purchase a Hi Fin Banded Shark through at this time of year.
I have a koi pond in Greenville, South Carolina. I am looking to buy 3 or 4 of these hi fins. We have approx. a 15,000 gallon pond, with 30+KOI.
Do you have these, and how much are they?
Sorry, Blue Ridge is not open to the public. We suggest you shop with for Hi Fin Banded Sharks. Thanks.
Yes. Would like to buy one. What is the procedure.?
Sorry, Blue Ridge is not open to the public. Also Hi Fin Banded Sharks are currently out of stock, this is a 6 year old blog post. Thanks.